To become a member of FIPT, you will need to subscribe to the Vision and Purpose statement of the Fellowship.

Individual Membership

There are three types of individual membership: full, associate and student.

Full membership is for those who hold an earned doctoral or graduate degree (M.Th/Th.M) from a recognised institution of higher education, who either have been or are engaged in Christian higher education (administrative or instructional), or who have made significant scholarly contributions to Pentecostal literature.

Associate membership is for those who are not eligible for full membership but who, in the judgement of the FIPT, is otherwise qualified for membership.

Student Membership is for students currently enrolled in institutions of higher learning.

Institutional members are drawn from Pentecostal and charismatic institutions in India.

To apply for institutional membership, you need to do two things:

First, fill in the application form: FIPT Institutional Membership Application. The form asks you to tell FIPT about your institution and to provide the name of one referee.

Second, once you have received word that your institution is a member, arrange for it to pay for FIPT membership.

Once you are a candidate member who has paid your subscription, your institution will be presented to the next conference for ratification by members.

Individual membership application

The form asks you to tell FIPT about yourself and provide the name of one referee.

Second, once you have received word that you are an approved member, arrange to pay for FIPT membership.

Once you pay your subscription, your name will be presented to the next conference for ratification by members, and you will become a full associate or student member according to your application.


When it is time to renew membership for subsequent years, you will receive a letter with instructions on how to do this.


When it is time to renew institutional membership for subsequent years, you will receive a letter with instructions on how to do this.